If you are considering selling your business this article will help you evaluate your company as a strategic acquirer might. From that perspective it pays to focus on ten critical areas of value creation. The better your performance in these areas, the greater the selling price of your business. Below is our list of STRATEGIC VALUE DRIVERS:

1.CUSTOMER DIVERSITY – If too much business is concentrated in too few of your ct, it is a negative in the acquisition market. If none of your customers accounts for more than 5% of total sales, that is a real plus. If you find yourself with a customer concentration issue, start focusing on a program to diversify.

2.MANAGEMENT DEPTH –An acquirer will look at the quality of the management staff and employees as a major determinant in acquisition price. You should make the move of assigning your successor a year in advance of your scheduled departure date. If you have a strong management team in place, you should try to implement employment contracts, non-competes, and some form of phantom stock or equity participation plan to keep these stars involved through the transition.

3.CONTRACTUALLY RECURRING REVENUE – All revenue dollars are not created equal. Revenue dollars from a contract for annual maintenance, annual licensing fees, a recurring retainer fee, technology license, etc. are much more powerful value drivers than projected sales revenue, time and materials revenue, or other non-recurring revenue streams.

4.PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS/TECHNOLOGY – This is the area where the valuation rules do not necessarily apply. If strategic acquirers believe that a new technology can be acquired and integrated with their superior distribution channel, they may value your company on a post acquisition performance basis. The marketplace rewards effective innovation and yawns at “me too” commodity type products or services. Continue to look for ways to innovate in all facets of your business. If you create a technology advantage in your company, think what that could mean to a much larger company.

5.PENETRATION OF BARRIERS TO ENTRY –In its simplest form, a large restaurant chain buys a small family ow